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DIGITAL SENSE OF SMELL : The New Frontier of Technology
Isabella V21 June 2024





In recent decades, smartphones have radically changed our lives through sound and light technologies.

Features such as voice assistants, facial recognition and photo enhancement have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, the science of smells has not yet reached a comparable level.

This scenario, however, is undergoing a transformation thanks to recent developments in the field of "artificial olfaction" or " Digitized olfaction."

Recreating the human sense of smell with machines is a complex challenge. While human vision relies on a limited number of receptors in the retina, olfaction involves about 400 different types of nasal receptors, requiring a detailed understanding of the molecules in the air.

And that’s where machine learning comes in : exploiting advanced techniques such as deep learning, researchers are trying to link the molecular structure of smells to textual descriptors used by people, such as "sweet" or " fruity."

Google, through the Osmo project, is at the forefront of this revolution, creating a " Smell Map" that arranges olfactory molecules according to their sensory perception, with similar ones close together.

This is not the only example of Google employing Artificial Intelligence in the medical field.

Its advances promise applications beyond mere intellectual curiosity : from tailored perfumes to advanced chemical sensors for early disease detection.