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AI used to populate low-quality content
  In a concerning development, #NewsGuard has uncovered #evidence that #AI #tools are being used to populate so-called content farms, which churn out vast amounts of low-quality #clickbait #articles to optimize #advertising revenue. NewsGuard identified 49 websites across seven languages that appear to be entirely or mostly generated by AI #LLM designed to mimic human #communication. The #websites, which often fail to disclose #ownership or #control, produce a high volume of content related to various topics, including #politics, #health, #entertainment, #finance, and #technology. Some of the content advances false #narratives, while nearly all of it features bland language and repetitive phrases, hallmarks of the use of artificial intelligence. Many of the sites are saturated with #advertisements and #spam, indicating that they are likely designed to generate #revenue from programmatic ads, just as the internet’s first generation of content farms, operated by humans, were built to do. The AI-generated articles often consist of content summarized or rewritten from other sources and are often credited to "Admin" and "Editor," or have no bylines at all. The presence of error messages commonly found in AI-generated texts, such as "my cutoff date in September 2021," "as an AI language model," and "I cannot complete this prompt," among others, is evidence that these sites likely operate with little to no human oversight. Many of the sites also include About and Privacy Policy pages that were algorithmically produced by tools used to generate customizable disclaimers and copyright notices but were not fully completed, leaving little doubt about their source. NewsGuard exchanged a series of emails, some of which were hard to comprehend, with the self-described owner of, who denied that the site used AI in a widespread manner. Similarly, the founder of claimed that the site's content is "published manually under human supervision" and that the site uses automation only where "extremely needed." The AI-driven sites that NewsGuard identified typically have benign and generic names suggesting they are operated by established publishers, such as Biz Breaking News, News Live 79, Daily Business Post, and Market News Reports. While these sites appear to be news websites, they are nothing more than AI-generated content farms, churning out low-quality clickbait articles to optimize advertising revenue. This development raises concerns that AI could be used to conjure up entire news organizations, once the subject of speculation by media scholars, but now a reality. As numerous and more powerful AI tools have been unveiled and made available to the public in recent months, it is essential to remain vigilant against the spread of fake news and misinformation.