META can animate your children’s drawings | | | | Turtles AI

META can animate your children’s drawings
  #Meta #AI #Research has developed a new demo called "#Animated #Drawings" that allows #parents to convert their children's two-dimensional drawings into fun #animations. The demo uses an algorithm built upon #Detectron2 and #AlphaPose, with #motion-capture data from the #CMU #Graphics #Motion #Capture #Lab and #Mixamo. The goal is to bring children's drawings to life through automatic animation. To use the demo, users need to upload an image of the drawing, and they have the option to contribute it to a public dataset. The demo does not collect any personal information, but technical information is collected for analytics purposes. If users choose to contribute their drawings to the public dataset, the images will not be stored with any personal information. The contributed drawings may be used for research purposes, such as training models to better identify, segment, and place joints on hand-drawn characters or as part of a publicly available database for researchers to develop creativity tools for children. The demo aims to encourage additional image collection and creativity among children.