REVIEW of | | | | Turtles AI

TAGLINE is an AI tool that creates SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analyses for companies included in the S&P 500 index. The tool uses artificial intelligence algorithms to gather and process vast amounts of data from various sources, including financial reports, news articles, and social media posts. The tool then generates a comprehensive SWOT analysis, highlighting the key strengths and weaknesses of each company, along with the opportunities and threats they face. The tool is aimed at helping investors, businesses, and strategy experts to make informed decisions about their investments and business strategies. INTRODUCTION SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of an organization or project. It is an essential tool for strategic management as it helps organizations identify their internal and external factors that can impact their success. Strengths refer to the internal capabilities of an organization that give it a competitive advantage, such as its brand, resources, and unique features. Weaknesses refer to the internal limitations that hinder the organization's ability to achieve its goals, such as lack of resources or outdated technology. Opportunities refer to external factors that can be leveraged to the organization's advantage, such as market trends, untapped markets, and new technologies. Threats refer to external factors that could negatively impact the organization, such as competitors, economic conditions, and government regulations. SWOT analysis is important for investors and stakeholders as it provides a comprehensive overview of an organization's current state, which helps them make informed investment decisions. It is also useful for practitioners and students as it teaches critical thinking skills, helps with problem-solving, and aids in understanding the bigger picture. Traditional methods for building SWOT analyses have proven to be time-intensive, costly, and susceptible to biases, making the decision-making process for firms challenging. Swotbot solves these problems by utilizing natural language processing (NLP) to perform a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis. This digital strategy tool utilizes a feed reader, an NLP pipeline, and a visual interface to extract information from a text corpus, providing a more efficient and objective approach to strategy analysis. The goal of Swotbot is to allow the human-in-the-loop to focus on value-adding tasks, while reducing time and increasing the objectivity of the strategic analysis process. THE INTERFACE When we reach out to the website, we are presented with a brief introduction, from where we can also download the scientific paper upon which the tool is based. It was presented at the European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS) 2022, and this gives a hint about the scientific soundness of the tool itself. The workflow to produce a SWOT analysis with the free version of the tool (limited to companies included in the S&P 500 index) is straightforward and intuitive. You simply have to select a company listed and enter your email, that's where you'll receive your personalized analysis as soon as it's ready. swotAI workflow swotAI workflow I decided to select Disney, but of course, you can have a look at all the companies from a drop-down menu. company selection company selection The report didn't arrive immediately; in fact, it took several minutes (exactly 23 minutes), but in the meanwhile, I received this suggestion from the swotbot creators: email from swotbot email from swotbot   THE RESULTS You get a download link in your email. The result is a stylish and well-composed Powerpoint presentation (24 slides, where the first one is the title page, the second one is to let you know how many minutes of work swotbot saved you - quantified in about 370 - and the last two ones are simply used to let you know the limits of this free version of swotbot). The other ones contain the company profile (along with some basic financial data, like annual revenues since 2019 and stock from feb 22 to oct 22), the list of sources scanned by the bot to provide the analysis, a summary of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunity and threats and then a specific insight of each category. Last, one slide contains the strategic recommendations for the selected company, obtained by combining the couples S-O, W-O, S-T and W-T. strategic_recommendations Strategic recommendations   CONCLUSIONS While the free version is quite limited (the biggest constraint is that you can only choose one of the top 500 companies in S&P) the result is well documented, nicely presented and - most important - it can be edited, being in the form of a PowerPoint file. While the graphical elements are very basic, they can be enriched and complemented, and so the analysis itself, should you think that some information is not exhaustive. In conclusion, this can be a valid tool, especially for students needing examples for they classes of Strategic Management or for practitioners needing a starting point.